This blog was started to house the Book reviews for the "Rory Gilmore Book Project" & now my movie reviews for the Gilmore Girls Mini Movie challenge.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


So I have managed to break the 450 mark in Emma. Just when I thought I had gotten over the urge to smack her she strikes again.. I have to keep myself in check with just the way she is and the time period.

As much as I want to smack her at times, the book is very well written and its beautiful. It's one of those books that your eyes just seem to glide effortlessly over the pages, while the book has your full attention.

As I read I can't help but think who the hell she is going to end up with.. I mean there is Frank and Knightly to consider thus far. Added to that she is determined to set Harriet up with someone and to not marry which means that she likely will.

This i think is going to be one of those books that I read time and time again when I am in a horrendous mood.. for some reason it just cheers me up.

I find it rather amusing tho just how often her characters will get together with someone they dislike, but i realized that, I can think of a couple i do the very same thing with.
Jane Austen seems to have found a way to capture human nature in her characters.. the little odd ticks, or shallowness, and of course "status and class" because back then it just was everything.

Which is why the obviousness of the Emma/Harriet/Knightly/Churchhill mix seems too obvious.
Emma is obsessed with class so it only makes sense she would end up with Knightly leaving Harriet with the lower class gentleman, who would appear to have eyes only for Emma.

Personally if I were Emma (and I am glad I am not) I'd of had my eyes on Knightly long ago.
He seems much like her father, and much considerate of her father and the fact they know each other as well as they do says a lot. He is the one person that doesn't take her crap and doesn't sugar coat things when she screws up.

She's definitely someone who needs that.

I can see why Rory would enjoy this book but it got me to thinking about when it was she read this book.
They never really seemed to celebrate time periods at least as far as I can remember) tho they did indeed have episodes revolving around cultures and countries.
For some reason tho I remember a clip of Rory in a bonnet but the only thing that came up was the Easter in a bonnet eppy guide.

Definitely time to get re-watching.. once i get going on the mini movie challenge and all the other books on my list.

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