This blog was started to house the Book reviews for the "Rory Gilmore Book Project" & now my movie reviews for the Gilmore Girls Mini Movie challenge.

Monday, January 11, 2010

One (official) down.. and extra and an update

I do not understand why Jane Austen is one of those authors who one seems to either love or hate.
I found her writing to be superb. It takes talent (IMHO) to be able to write a book where your main character can be hated yet the book loved.

In the end Emma ending up with whom she did it was predictable, yet sweet.
Harriett on the other hand was a complete surprize, much like the Churchhill fiasco.
I give Jane Austen credit, there are not many authors that can be that subtle yet surprizing.

This is one of the books I'd of loved to have read in highschool, rather then some of the crap we did. It isn't that much of a change, considering the males were alienated with whatever we read anyway.

Timeless classic... in my opinion and definitely re-readable.. just maybe not when you have a reading challenge with 52 books, and a mini movie challenge on your plate on top of life. lol.

I ended up reading the brief illustrated guide to Islam last night, cover to cover.. lol. I hadn't intended to but I was frustrated at some drama that occurred and left me with a mind to distract and nerves to calm so i went educational and religious to unwind.
(My review is here)

Page 50 of the Drowned book
Page 144 of The Story Tellers Daughter
Page 14 of the Translation of the Quran
Page (unknown) of the Quran
Starting "The Industrial Revolution"

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